Essays and Policy Papers

Svenska marinen in NATO: Opportunities and Challenges
Dr. Sebastian Bruns discusses some of the opportunities and challenges for the Swedish Navy as Sweden joins the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The paper is based on his inauguaral lecture at the Royal Swedish Society for Naval Sciences, Stockholm.

How High? The Future of European Naval Power and the High-End Challenge
Dr. Jeremy Stöhs adresses pressing questions about the future of European navies and the challenges these Navies are facing.
Building European Seapower: Reinvigorating EU naval strategy and maritime capabilities for the 2020s
Dr. Sebastian Bruns and CDR jg. (German Navy) Moritz Brake explore opportunities and address shortfalls in the naval component of European maritime strategy in this piece commissioned by the Royal Swedish Society of Naval Sciences last year – and published in early 2021.
German-American Relations during the Joe Biden Presidency
Dr. Sebastian Bruns and Marcel Dirsus (Fellow at ISPK) deal with the German-American Relations during the Biden Presidency after his election to the President of the United States.

Towards a Standing European Union Auxiliary Navy
Moritz Brake and Sebastian Bruns argue in favour of a pool of support vessels of an EU Auxiliary Fleet to extend the Member States's navies' range in spirit of deeper defence intergration.
Do you want to read more?
You can find more of our essays and working papers in the Archive.
Conference Proceedings and Reports

Kiel International Seapower Symposium 2022 - Conference Report
Official Conference Report of KISS22: Preparing for the Future - Naval Warfare 2040

"Dreizack 21" - Sammelband zur Netzwerktagung.
Der Konferenzbericht "Von historischen bis zukünftigen Herausforderungen im maritimen Raum." wurde mit Beiträgen von sieben Konferenzteilnehmenden von Henrik Schilling veröffentlicht.

German Navy Fleet Tracker - Annual Report 2020
Dr. Sebastian Bruns and Henrik Schilling published the first Annual Report of the ISPKs Fleet Tracker, assessing the current status, missions and exercises of the German Navy.