Kiel Conference 2015 – Baltic Sea Focus
The Panels
Panel 1: The Role of Sea Power in the Baltic Sea

Woody Allen once famously remarked that "80% of life is showing up". The same holds true for naval forces, which can ultimately influence through presence to high-end operations in ways that air forces and armies cannot. However, presence needs to be framed in a larger political justification, i.e. strategic leverage is the product of political will and operational capabilities. NATO navies, at the same time, are under budgetary pressures to uphold even the modest rotational presence requirements, posing an arguably larger challenge to NATO´s presence than current hostile A2/AD capabilities in any theatre.
- Prof. Julian Lindley-French, Senior Fellow, Institute of Statecraft, London
- Dirk Peters, Project Officer Maritime Capabilities Support European Defence Agency, Brussels
- Lieutenant Commander (SWE N) Stefan Lundqvist, Swedish National Defence College
Chairman: Prof. Dr. Joachim Krause, Institute for Security Policy, University of Kiel
Panel 2: Naval Mines – Curse or Blessing in Hybrid Warfare

In the often busy, narrow and shallow waters of the militarily and commercially significant littorals, the potential risk through mines is elevated. Insidiously, the mere threat of mine deployments can have the same effect as actually establishing a minefield. Since mines can be laid rather easily by many platforms (even coasters and smaller vessels), it makes them ideal for clandestine employment without directly implicating the perpetrator. In other words, mines can be an especially effective (political) tool in low-level conflicts and hybrid scenarios.
- CDR (NDL N) Nico Vasseur, Director NATO Naval Mine Warfare Centre of Excellence, Oostende
- CDR (BEL N) Kurt Engelen, Vice President, Euro-Atlantic Association of Belgium, Brussels
- Nick Childs, Senior Fellow Naval Forces and Maritime Security, Institute for International Strategic Studies, London
Chairman: Peter Roberts, Senior Research Fellow, Royal United Services Institute, London

Panel 3: Influence of Disruptive Technologies on Navies and Operations in a Confined Theatre
With effectors becoming more precise, remotely controllable, and more available, every ship that enters the littorals must be considered expendable. Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance are increasingly mission-critical. On top of that, as more operations depend on the support of unmanned and autonomous systems that engage over-the-horizon, the control of the cyber domain becomes more significant for mission success than ever before. With the threat coming from above, from below, from surface and from ashore, what impact does this have on the way today's navies train and fight for the littorals and how does it affect their mindset and their self-image?
- Peter Roberts, Senior Research Fellow, Royal United Services Institute, London
- Prof. Dr. Paul Cornish, Director, Research Group Defence, Security and Infrastructure, RAND Corporation, Cambridge
- Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala, Professorship, University of the Bundeswehr, Munich
Chairman: Dr. Tim Benbow, Senior Lecturer, King’s College at the U. K. Defence Academy College, Shrivenham